LJ-razz, 8.23.07: Table for Four

I had my first dinner party in my new condo last night, not counting my birthday party, which was really an all-day food fest. I can really only sit four to six comfortably, which I think is a great number. We had a great time. The simple and humble menu was roast chicken (and of course my smoke detector went off a few times until I fashioned a little gas mask for it), stuffing, sauteed broccoli, and cake and ice cream.

Here's Chicken on the serving platter, just before I carved her. She's the one waving "hello":

Here's Cake, waiting to be dressed in a swirl of frosting:

Here's Cake in her simplest smock.
Personally, I prefer her in the nude,
but of course she feels better in public this way:


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