LJ-Picturing Food, 4.25.06: I've got to go on a diet. There will be lots of salad photos next time.

"The usual week in review: Lots of random photos."

First, a bittersweet Easter present.

Mom gave me her old baking stuff for my Easter present; she doesn't bake much anymore because of her arthritis. =( She wants to support my cooking habit, though, especially since I didn't like cooking when I was a kid. She even sent me the pan she used to bake my doll cake for my fifth birthday. =)

A hodgepodge dinner for me and the housemates.

I wanted a piece of home. It's not quite like Mom's, but close enough when she's in a different state.
Lots of veggies.

Lots of rice noodles and cubed ham steak.

Finish off with some soy sauce, spices, and toasted sesame seed: pancit--like a Filipino lo mein.

Red potato salad. I like red so much better than brown potatoes in salad.

One of my favorite childhood desserts--flan!

First, the caramel syrup.

Then, the egg, milk, and sugar mix.

Let it set, then top off with plum slices.

My friend from Ohio made me a good Midwestern dinner.

Nikki's tuna casserole. Dig the retro coffee pot!

A proper Midwest dinner--tuna casserole and creamed spinach!

I brought dessert from La Grande Orange, which sells Tammie Coe's baked desserts. Here's my half--a fallen chocolate mousse (something like that--there were a lot of words, and they all made so much sense at the time but couldn't come close to stating how good it tasted) and a decadent dark chocolate brownie. I'm picky about brownies, and this was just about the best I've ever had--thick, dense, rich, and not too sweet.

A random interlude.

My favorite cookie--peanut butter chocolate chip. I buy them to support the sandwich lady who sells lunches at our office.

But sometimes, I make my own, especially when the Safeway's about to renovate and puts almost everything from its baking aisle on mondo sale. Score of the day--a canister of Scharffen Berger powder and a chocolate bar.

More Wilton flowers--apple blossoms and violets.

I made dinner for my friend Violet. I didn't take photos, but hers was a vegetarian plate.

Rainbow pasta with turkey bacon, spinach, and browned sage with pork lau lau (that I didn't make, but bought frozen) in the background.

Simple dessert--mango over raspberry sorbet/vanilla frozen yogurt Häagen-Dazs

My friend Sheka and I made our friend Shelly a birthday dinner.

Caprese salad. Dizzy yet?

Caprese tower, made with the stuff that wouldn't fit in the bowl. Open wide! Wider ... !

Sheka made baked ziti with spinach, and I made the braidsticks. Har har!

Chocolate coffee ice cream cake with whipped cream frosting and chocolate swirly-bobs. Ice cream cake/fresh whipped cream + broken air conditioner + warm desert night = melty sadness, but it still tasted good. Note to self: The ice cream layer goes on top, especially when there's a high risk of meltiness, but probably always. It was a dense cake, so I was hoping it would work out. Can we say "bass ackwards"? Dense cake means it will definitely squash the melty ice cream layer beneath it. Another lesson brought to you by Julie's Kitchen Mishaps. Did I mention that it still tasted good? ;D


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